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June 2024 (Vol. 19, Issue 6)

Greetings Paddocks Press Fan!

In this month's edition of Paddocks Press, Professor Graham Paddock looks at the legalities of obtaining body corporate information and a recent case study of a unit owner requesting financial documentation that was initially denied. This is the first of a two-part series, which will continue in the July Paddocks Press. Jennifer Paddock revisits the timeless question of 'Who Pays for Broken Pipes?" in a communitiy scheme. This edition will broaden your knowledge and get you thinking.

We are also eager to let you know that there are three courses starting on the 22nd July 2024 and if you sign up before the end of June you will get a generous Early Bird Discount. Find out more below.

As you know, we have a selection of tools in the form of books (eBook and paperback), templates, and case studies to help you and your team. Today we focus on the Sectional Title Meetings Handbook to guide you through hosting or participating in community scheme meetings. Find out more below.

Let us know if you have any queries, and have a look around our site for resources and opportunities to grow in all areas of community scheme management.

The Paddocks Team


Obtaining Body Corporate Information - Part One

Do members of a body corporate have direct rights to access necessary financial information within sectional title schemes? High Court rules that members can use the Management Rules in their favour. Adj. Prof. Graham Paddock explains more in this two-part series.  Read Part One here.


Who Pays for the Pipes?

Many of the questions we get from our members of Paddocks Club are related to costs and who pays for what in community schemes? In this timeless article, Jennifer Paddock answers questions around pipes within a community scheme and clarifies who pays for what, despite it being a potentially confusing issue. 

Read article here.

"Paddocks was very engaging as instructors and made it easy to follow along and ask questions."

"I truly enjoyed every part of this course and had so much fun during the coaching calls. It was a fun experience to become equipped to deal with all the everyday challenges I face as an employee of a managing agent. I'm sad it's over but extremely grateful for the knowledge and understanding I gained. Thank you!"

"What an awesome course. I enjoyed every Module and planning to do the other courses once I'm on pension, I've done a lot of courses in the Military but never enjoyed a course as much as this one. Can't wait to do the other courses. Thank you Paddock's for a great experience."

"So sad it's over!"

This is just a little window into the kind of feedback we receive on a regular basis. Paddocks' courses are really popular, enjoyable and upskill people in the Property Management sector. 

Invest in your professional development with an online short course to gain the credibility and recognition you need to advance your career in property.

Don't miss the start of three courses in July 2024!

More information on Paddocks Courses here

Don't do Sectional Title meetings without our guide

The Paddocks Sectional Titles Meetings Handbook is an easy guide for chairpersons, trustees, owners, managing agents and other role players who want to empower themselves with knowledge on how to call, conduct and manage sectional title meetings correctly.

Handbook owners can take their book into annual and special general meetings of owners as well as trustee meetings to make sure that all procedures are followed. This handbook also integrates the requirements of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 (“the STSM Act”), the prescribed management rules (“PMRs”) and the common law so as to provide a comprehensive overview of sectional title meetings.

The Sectional Title Meetings Handbook compromises of 6 chapters (as well as a Navigator in the eBook to search for a reference term within the book).

The chapters include:

Chapter 1: Introduction to sectional title meetings

Chapter 2: Calling and arranging meetings

Chapter 3: Meeting formalities

Chapter 4: Chairperson’s role

Chapter 5: Making decisions in meetings

Chapter 6: Voting and elections

Don't face these meetings alone when you have a guide to help you. 

Purchase your Sectional Title Meetings Handbook Here


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