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July 2021 (Volume 16, Issue 7)

Hi Paddocks Press fan,

Announcing CSOS Adjudication Orders eBooks 
The Community Schemes Ombud Service (“CSOS”) has been conducting adjudications since late 2016 and has published a substantial number of its Orders in the form of images. These are not ‘machine-readable’, so those who need to study the texts cannot search for relevant terms or cut and paste from the texts. Graham has now compiled all the texts published to February 2021 and many others that have not been published, but which have been sent to Paddocks, into 3 ePub files (eBooks) that are now available for purchase from the Paddocks eStore.

Graham applied very limited editing in an attempt to make the texts more accessible. The Adjudicators’ summaries and findings that precede the text of the orders have been italicised, and the case numbers have been limited to four digits. He also simplified and standardised the order headings and the line spacing, to reduce the amount of paper required if these reproductions of the original orders are printed.

These publications will make it easier for people to read relevant orders and get an idea of what they can expect when they make applications to the CSOS, and we expect that they will be of interest to scheme executives, owners, tenants and other occupiers as well as to the managing agents and lawyers who advise them. 

You can view and purchase the three publications at the links below:

In this month's edition:

  • Florida building collapse - a warning to community schemes - By Graham Paddock
  • When it comes to luxury - old habits die hard - By Ané de Klerk
  • Maintenance and Repair of Windows and Doors in Exterior Section Walls: Getting Down to Detail: Blog Post - By Graham Paddock
Kind regards,
Paddocks Team

NEXT EDITION: Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Florida building collapse - a warning to community schemes
By Graham Paddock

In this article, Graham discusses the recent Florida building collapse, and issues a warning to local community scheme trustees to ensure that maintenance is not neglected.

Read the article

When it comes to luxury - old habits die hard
By Ané de Klerk

In this article, Ané explains why using outdated language regarding improvements to common property can result in neglecting the correct legal procedures.

Read the article
Maintenance and repair of windows and doors in exterior section walls: Getting down to detail
By Graham Paddock

In this article, Graham discusses the repair and maintenance of exterior doors and windows, and how costs should be shared between the owner and body corporate. 
Read the blog post

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Club questions and answers

With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

1. Does the POPI Act apply to the presentation of the levy roll?

2. Do married/co-owner trustees each get a full vote at a trustee meeting?

Graham and the team are available to answer Community members' questions on the Club discussion forum. Get your questions answered by joining the Club today.

Read this month's Q&A.
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