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June 2022 (Volume 17, Issue 6)

Hi Paddocks Press fan,

CSOS Casebooks
In Graham's article in this month's newsletter, he discusses four further CSOS shortcomings in addition to those that he noted last month. These reflections on the current state of the CSOS show that those who are approaching CSOS with a dispute must be as forewarned and forearmed as possible in order to have the best outcome. Having a better understanding of how CSOS has previously dealt with disputes similar to the one you may be lodging could potentially assist you in preparing a solid defense and submitting a stronger application. Our CSOS Casebook series will be the perfect companion to this process, as you will be able to have historical CSOS Orders at your fingertips, and be able to approach CSOS with a slight edge.

We currently have CSOS Casebooks dealing with short-term letting, recovery of monies and animals in schemes.

If you would like to purchase a copy of one of these eBooks, you can view them and the rest of our library of available eBook titles on our eStore, linked below:

Paddocks eStore

In this month's edition:

  • Four more CSOS shortcomings - By Graham Paddock
  • 7 Reasons a conduct rule could be invalid - By Jennifer Paddock
  • The 3-step streamlined minute production method - By André Boersma
  • A reasonable balance: POPI and sectional title schemes - Blog post by Auren Freitas dos Santos
Kind regards,
Paddocks Team

NEXT EDITION: Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Four more CSOS shortcomings
By Graham Paddock

Graham discusses four more areas where the CSOS is failing in its duties and intended function.
7 Reasons a conduct rule could be invalid
By Jennifer Paddock

Jennifer provides her checklist of seven potential issues to look out for that could render a conduct rule invalid.
The 3-step streamlined minute production method
By André Boersma

André, one of our Paddocks Club members, reveals his 3-step process to ensure that minutes of sectional title meetings are captured efficiently and can therefore be approved and distributed quickly.
Blog post - A reasonable balance: POPI and sectional title schemes
By Auren Freitas dos Santos

Auren explains practically how to correctly apply the POPI Act into sectional title scheme administration.
Read the blog post

Join us for one of our University of Cape Town short courses, presented online throughout South Africa.

UCT Short courses Please contact for more information.

Club questions and answers

With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

1. Does a paid trustee need to hold a Fidelity Fund Certificate?

2. Can trustees remove a violent tenant with immediate effect?

Graham and the team are available to answer Community members' questions on the Club discussion forum. Get your questions answered by joining the Club today.

Read this month's Q&A.
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