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September 2021 (Volume 16, Issue 9)

Hi Paddocks Press fan,

Expert assistance is just a few clicks away 
Any involvement with community schemes, whether as an owner, trustee, managing agent or service provider, comes with many challenges. If you are wanting quick, easy access to informative resources and knowledgeable legal experts to help you to overcome these challenges, look no further than Paddocks Club.

Community-level members have access to the online discussion forum with industry experts, legislation Navigator, video tutorials, online Paddocks books, sectional plan downloads, CSOS Adjudications, High Court Orders and much more. 

The highlight of the Club is definitely the online discussion forum, and this month, in addition to our usual Club Q&A section of the newsletter, we have included a blog post containing a conversation that recently happened on the Club, where a member was assisted with some valuable information pertaining to insurance claims for sectional title schemes by both Graham Paddock and Mike Addison of Addsure.

If joining the Club is something you feel would benefit you or the scheme(s) that you are involved in, you can register at the link below. Alternatively, download the brochure for more information.

Download Club brochure
Register - Community membership


In this month's edition:

  • Dealing with smoking nuisance in community schemes - By Graham Paddock
  • Read this before preparing a maintenance, repair and replacement plan - By Auren Freitas dos Santos
  • Insurance Claim Settlement - Paddocks Club discussion - by Graham Paddock and Mike Addison
Kind regards,
Paddocks Team

NEXT EDITION: Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Dealing with smoking nuisance in community schemes

By Graham Paddock

In this article, Graham offers a suggested plan of action to deal with nuisance caused by smoking in sectional title schemes.

Read the article

Read this before preparing a maintenance, repair and replacement plan
By Auren Freitas dos Santos

In this article, Auren explains why it is a good idea to have an expert assist with formulating a 10-year maintenance plan.

Read the article
Insurance Claim Settlement - Paddocks Club discussion
By Graham Paddock and Mike Addison

In this article, Graham Paddock and Mike Addison discuss whether an insurance claim relating to one section only should be paid to the body corporate, or directly to the affected owner. 
Read the blog post

Join us for one of our University of Cape Town short courses, presented online throughout South Africa.

UCT Short courses Please contact for more information.

Club questions and answers

With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

1. When must/can the AGM agenda be approved?

2. AGM notice too short by one day: Are the decisions legal?

Graham and the team are available to answer Community members' questions on the Club discussion forum. Get your questions answered by joining the Club today.

Read this month's Q&A.
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