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September 2023 (Volume 17, Issue 9)

Hi Paddocks Press fan,

Disconnecting services to punish levy defaulters

They say that there are 3 "P's" that cause the most trouble in community scheme living, namely,  Parking, Pets and (Difficult) People. However, we now add a fourth "P" - “Punishing non-payment of contributions/levies".

In this month's newsletter, Graham tackles this issue on two fronts:

  • in his article, he looks closely at cutting or limiting water and electricity supplies and reports on a recent High Court case that dealt with these issues, and
  • in this month's Club Q&A, he discusses limiting defaulters’ access to the scheme.

Read these articles to avoid getting into hot water for attempting to deprive levy defaulters of... well... hot water.

In this month's edition:

  • Water and electricity disconnection in sectional title: What you can and cannot do, with recommendations - By Graham Paddock
  • Are you making this mistake when proposing special or unanimous resolutions? - By Ané de Klerk
Kind regards,
Paddocks Team

NEXT EDITION: Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Water and Electricity Disconnection in Sectional Title: What you can and cannot do, with recommendations.

By Graham Paddock

In this article, Graham discusses the legality of cutting or limiting basic services to levy defaulters.

Read the article

Are you making this mistake when proposing special or unanimous resolutions?

By Ané de Klerk

In this article, Ané explains how to legally and effectively communicate the notice of a special or unanimous resolution.

Read the article

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Club questions and answers

With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

1. Are HOA members limited in the amount of proxies they may hold in general meetings?

2. Can an owner in default with their levies have their access to the scheme made inconvenient by forcing them to sign in at the gate?

Graham and the team are available to answer Community members' questions on the Club discussion forum. Get your questions answered by joining the Club today.

Read this month's Q&A.
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