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February 2023 (Volume 18, Issue 2)

Hi Paddocks Press fan,

We’re thrilled to let you know that enrolments are now open for our Advanced Sectional Title Financial Management Masterclass, which starts on 17 April 2023.

This 3-week, part-time online course will equip you with all the necessary information to take your knowledge of Sectional Title finances to an advanced level. Created and led by Prof. Graham Paddock and specialist sectional title attorney Jennifer Paddock, it includes weekly live coaching calls in addition to the comprehensive online material, plus Navigator access to Paddocks Club for the duration of the course.

We can’t wait to give you clarity on the law, confidence in your decisions and professional credibility!

For more information and to enroll, click below:

Advanced Sectional Title Financial Management Masterclass

In this month's edition:

  • Boundaries between two exclusive use areas and financial responsibility - By Jennifer Paddock
  • Legal considerations for managing sectional title schemes within layered developments - By Graham Paddock
Kind regards,
Paddocks Team

NEXT EDITION: Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Boundaries between two exclusive use areas and financial responsibility
By Jennifer Paddock

Jennifer discusses the importance of boundaries within sectional title schemes, and how these can be used to determine who is responsible for a particular cost.
Legal considerations for managing sectional title schemes within layered developments
By Graham Paddock

Graham discusses how the STSMA and a scheme's management and conduct rules are impacted by the governance of a "Master Home Owners' Association".

Club questions and answers

With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

1. Rights of executor of deceased estate

2. Tips for inaugural AGM

Graham and the team are available to answer Community members' questions on the Club discussion forum. Get your questions answered by joining the Club today.

Read this month's Q&A.
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